: JURNAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT 2025-02-21T15:39:43+07:00LPPM Universitas Journal Systems<div style="background-color: #ebfeec; border: 2px solid #bae481; border-radius: 5px; text-align: left; padding: 5px; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; margin-left: 0px;">Journal title: <a href="#">Janita: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat</a> <br>Initials: JANITA<br>Frequency <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2 issues per year</a> <br>DOI prefix <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.36563</a><br>Print ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2775-5061</a><br>Online ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2797-4286</a><br>Editor-in-chief <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Latifatul Isro'iyah, S.S.,M.Pd</a><br>Publisher Universitas Tulungagung</div> PEMASARAN BATIK PENATARAN SEBAGAI WUJUD PEMBERDAYAAN PENGRAJIN BATIK PERTAKINA BLITAR2025-02-21T15:39:43+07:00Supriyonoyonsupriyono@gmail.comYusniarsi Primasariprimasariyusniarsi@gmail.comDevita Sulistianaprimasariyusniarsi@gmail.comHesty Puspita Sarihestysari1403@gmail.comNurma Atalsa Sofyansyahhestysari1403@gmail.comDamayanti<p><em>PERTAKINA (Perkumpulan Tenaga Kerja Purna) is a non-governmental organization established in 2016 in Blitar to support former Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) in starting their own businesses. The objectives of this Community Service program are: 1) To empower the community by developing a SIPOC management model for batik and woven fabric entrepreneurship at PERTAKINA, 2) To advance batik and woven fabric artisans through training on the SIPOC management model, 3) To enhance the quality and quantity of batik and woven fabric production at PERTAKINA through the use of the SIPOC management model application, 4) To develop the creative skills of batik and woven fabric making for students of Islamic University of Balitar through their involvement in this Community Service program. The empowerment method involves training and mentoring on the SIPOC management model for batik and woven fabric entrepreneurship. The participants in this program include 20 batik artisans from Penataran under PERTAKINA and 2 students from Islamic University of Balitar. Evaluation results from the Kirkpatrick Four-Level Model show that 100% of participants reacted very positively to the development of the SIPOC management model, 98% rated the training materials, methods, and timing as very good, and the remaining 2% rated them as good. </em><em>It is recommended that PERTAKINA management and supporting institutions monitor and evaluate the business results at least 4 months after this training.</em></p>2024-12-19T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Supriyono, Yusniarsi Primasari, Devita Sulistiana, Hesty Puspita Sari, Nurma Atalsa Sofyansyah, Damayanti Puspanegara BPD DALAM PENGEMBANGAN MSDM DAN POTENSI DESA DI DESA PLANDAAN, KEDUNGWARU TULUNGAGUNG2025-02-21T15:39:02+07:00Eko SantosoEkoernawati71@gmail.comBondan Subagyobondansun@gmail.comDesi<p><em>The aim of establishing a swimming pool in Plandaan Village is to develop the potential of a tourist village through the construction of a swimming pool, considering that the swimming pool is a tourist destination that is popular with children and a comfortable place to play with the family. The existence of a swimming pool in Plandaan Village can meet the needs of the community, both within Plandaan Village and outside Plandaan Village City. Therefore, through the results of the Village Deliberation, the existence of the swimming pool in Plandaan village needs to be developed and utilized as a tourist area. This is none other than to develop the potential of the local village area. Apart from that, the swimming pool in Plandaan Village can also increase activities for young people to become a field of work and increase the income of the local Plandaan Village area, because it will also directly increase the cash of Plandaan Village. The results of developing the potential of the Plandaan Village area regarding the construction of a swimming pool can be collaboration and cooperation with school agencies for swimming sports activities. Apart from that, it is also a tourist area that needs to be developed and enlivened considering that the existence of this swimming pool is very strategic in the Plandaan Village area. However, the existing activities This swimming pool must also be managed professionally in order to attract more visitors, not only in the local Plandaan area, but also outside the village of Plandaan itself. Promotions and services must be improved to attract visitors who will come to the swimming pool. Also, the presence of clean bathroom facilities will attract future visitors.</em></p>2024-12-26T07:24:57+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eko Santoso, Bondan Subagyo, Desi Rahmawati SEGMEN PASAR MELALUI PENGENALAN PRODUK BAGI PELAKU USAHA2025-02-21T15:39:22+07:00Eni Widhajatiwidhajati@gmail.comDesi Rahmawatidesirahmati.unita@gmail.comLatifatul<p><em>The importance of business actors in increasing economic growth for a country makes it a shared task to develop business actors in Indonesia. By helping business actors to increase market segments through product introduction, it can increase sales for business actors so that economic growth increases and has an impact on the welfare, security, and progress of a country. The existence of business actors can absorb labor and reduce unemployment and poverty and improve the welfare of community members. For that, through this activity, it is expected that new business actors who develop and grow through it can help to increase their sales through activities to determine market segments and introduce new products to determine strategies so that market targets can be increased, and sales will also increase. This is expected to be able to find out consumer needs and problems, know consumer behavior, analyze data, determine marketing strategies, and evaluate market responses. Thus, it is important to note that business actors can carry out their business in accordance with the type of business and the position of the business actor at what stage so that they can choose the strategy used and how product introduction can be carried out to consumers.</em></p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eni Widhajati, Desi Rahmawati, Latifatul Isroiyah PENDAFTARAN DAN PEMBUATAN NIB OSS DI DESA KALIDAWIR TULUNGAGUNG2025-02-21T15:38:42+07:00Lona Chinsia Alfattamaalfattama@gmail.comDesi<p><em>In the world of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), the NIB (Business Identification Number) has a very important role, namely it is an official identity that provides legal recognition for MSME businesses which provides access to various conveniences in doing business. This is intended to provide official value for an identity. issued by the Online Single Submission (OSS) Institute. NIB (Business Identification Number) is the identity number of business actors regulated in the standard classification of Indonesian Business Fields (KBLI). The NIB registration method can be done with OSS by preparing the existing requirements. Through NIB registration, business owners can also obtain other registration documents needed for business licensing such as NPWP, letter of approval for plans for the use of labor and for SIUP. By having an NIB, the legality of business actors will be more legally guaranteed when running their business.</em></p>2024-12-26T07:27:25+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lona Chinsia Alfattama, Desi Rahmawati PRAKTIS MENYUSUN LAPORAN KINERJA DOSEN2025-02-21T15:38:23+07:00Udin Erawantoerawantoudin@gmail.comMiranu<p><em>The lecturer performance report is a general description of a lecturer’s obligations in carriying out the tri dharma of higher education in each current semester, which includes education and teaching, research activities, community service and also supporting elements. Based on existing provisions, all lecturers must report their performance. However, the facts show that there are still some lecturers who have not prepared reports every semester. It is hoped that this community service activity will be able to stimulate and bridge lecturers to truly have the will and ability to prepare LKD to control their development as lecturers.</em></p>2024-12-26T07:28:59+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Udin Erawanto, Miranu Triantoro USAHA MIKRO KECIL DAN MENENGAH DALAM PEMBUATAN MEDIA PROMOSI PADA USAHA PENGASAPAN LELE DI DESA NGRANTI KECAMATAN BOYOLANGU KABUPATEN TULUNGAGUNG2025-02-21T15:38:04+07:00Mufida Diah Ulaela Sajalimufida.yeahhh@gmail.comChoirul Anwarmufida.yeahhh@gmail.comRendi Agung Setionomufida.yeahhh@gmail.comTia Sri<p><em>Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are a type of business that can contribute to the economy of small communities. One of the efforts that can be made is to develop household-scale businesses in each residential area. The amount of sales income from this business can help increase people's income in certain areas. One of the businesses run by the community in Ngranti Village, Boyolangu District, Tulungagung Regency is to create a household scale industry, namely smoked catfish, but as the business develops, it does not make a big contribution to the economy of the community in Ngranti Village. This is due to several things, including the level of human resources (HR) in society which are not digitally savvy enough so they are not yet able to market their products using modern methods, namely online systems. This effort is interesting because of the need for assistance so that this provides the aim of this community service activity, namely by providing assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises in making promotional media for catfish cooking in Ngranti Village, Boyolangu District, Tulungagung Regency. As a result of this assistance, it is hoped that there will be a change in the marketing method for smoked catfish to become more modern so that it will increase sales of their products by expanding the market. The increased sales proceeds will provide increased welfare for the community in Ngranti Village, Boyolangu District, Tulungagung Regency.</em></p>2024-12-26T07:29:46+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mufida Diah Lestari, Chusnatul Ulaela Sajali, Choirul Anwar, Rendi Agung Setiono, Tia Sri Wulandari PENYUSUNAN STANDAR PELAYANAN PUBLIK MELALUI FORUM GROUP DISCUSSION DINAS KEPENDUDUKAN DAN PENCATATAN SIPIL KABUPATEN Sugeng Cahyonoakusukambahdi@gmail.comRetno Sari Dewir.saridewiunita@gmail.comAsmah Asmahunsaasmah@gmail.comDwiatmantodwiatmanto100@gmail.comIna<p><em>Regency as part of the local government has an obligation to provide quality public services. The benchmark is carried out through public service standards that are service guidelines. According to the regulations, the disdukcapil is required to involve external parties such as the community, academics and others to jointly develop service standards. The purpose of community service activities and the role of FISIP Universitas Tulungagung is to provide assistance in the preparation of service standards for the Tulungagung Regency Disdukcapil. The method used was through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). As a result of this activity, there are policies in the form of decrees on the determination of service standards and service standard documents of the Tulungagung Regency Disdukcapil. The consistency and continuity of this activity needs to be carried out in accordance with changes in regulations and the growing demands of service users. </em></p>2024-12-26T07:30:50+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anang Sugeng Cahyono, Retno Sari Dewi, Asmah Asmah, Dwiatmanto, Ina Heliany REBRANDING PANTAI JEBRING SEBAGAI DESTINASI WISATA HALAL UNGGULAN MELALUI DIGITALISASI WISATA DI KABUPATEN BLITAR2025-02-21T15:37:26+07:00Moch Khoirul Farih<p><em>Efforts to rebrand Jebring Beach in Ngadipuro Village, Wonotirto District, Blitar Regency, as a leading halal tourist destination through digitalization are an important step in increasing tourist attraction and visits. The importance of this topic is driven by tourism potential which has not been maximized and the need for facilities that are halal tourism friendly. The method used in this service is Community Based Research (CBR), involving active community participation in planning and implementation. The results of this effort show a significant increase in the number of visits and visitor satisfaction after digitalization, as well as the formation of a positive image of Jebring Beach as a destination that meets the needs of Muslim tourists. Thus, the results of this rebranding not only have an impact on marketing, but also contribute to local economic empowerment and cultural preservation. This shows that the integration of technology and a community-based approach can create sustainable and inclusive tourism destinations.</em></p>2024-12-26T07:49:21+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Moch Khoirul Anwar, Moh Farih Fahmi, Rachmad Syaifudin, Ahmad Nurdjayanto