: Business, Entrepreneurship, and Management Journal2025-02-21T14:51:47+07:00Open Journal Systems<p>BEMJ (Business, Entrepreneurship, and Management Journal) is a collection of journals, articles, ideas, concepts, theories, and research results from various fields related to management. BEMJ welcomes papers with the above aims and scopes. This academic journal is published by the Faculty of Economics, Tulungagung University.</p> <p>It is published biannually in June and December.</p> INFLUENCE OF DIGITAL MARKETING, BRAND AMBASSADOR, AND ONLINE CUSTOMER REVIEW ON THE PURCHASE DECISION OF SCARLETT WHITENING SKINCARE PRODUCTS ON THE SHOP E-COMMERCE PLATFORM2025-02-21T14:51:47+07:00Olivia Eka Syafitrioliviaeka40945@gmail.comDiyah Santi<p><em>This study aims to determine the influence of digital marketing, brand ambassadors, and online customer reviews on purchasing decisions for Scarlett Whitening Skincare products on the Shopee E-Commerce Platform in Madiun City. The type of research used in this study is a quantitative approach, while the analysis tool used is SPSS version 25. Sampling in this study used Purposive Sampling. The sample used was 385 respondents. Statistical testing results show that digital marketing positively and significantly affects purchasing decisions for Scarlett Whitening skincare products on the Shopee e-commerce platform. 2) Brand ambassadors positively and significantly affect purchasing decisions for Scarlett Whitening skincare products on the Shopee e-commerce platform. 3) Online customer reviews positively and significantly affect purchasing decisions for Scarlett Whitening skincare products on the Shopee e-commerce platform.</em></p>2024-12-28T21:13:13+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 BEMJ : Business, Entrepreneurship, and Management Journal EFFECT OF ZISWAF FUND RECEIPTS, BOPO, AND NON-OPERATIONAL PROFIT/LOSS ON MURABAHAH RECEIVABLES WITH FIRM SIZE AS A MODERATING VARIABLE FOR THE PERIOD OF 2018.Q1 – 2023.Q32025-02-21T14:51:28+07:00Akhmad Baha'udin Zuhrizuhridavisionero@gmail.comEka Wahyu Hestya<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Using company size as a moderating variable, this study examines the effects of Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, Waqf (ZISWAF), Operating Costs to Operating Income (BOPO), and Non-Operating Profit/Loss (NOPL) on Murabahah Financing from 2018Q1 to 2023Q3. Multiple regression models are used in this study's quantitative methodology to test the hypothesis. The findings indicated that whilst company size had a large negative impact on murabahah financing, ZIS, BOPO, and NOPL had a considerable beneficial impact. By offering actual data on the effects of ZIS, BOPO, and NOPL on Murabahah Financing as well as the moderating role of Company Size, this study adds to the body of literature. The findings may be useful for financial institutions and policy makers in understanding the determinants of Murabahah Financing and in developing strategies to promote this financing instrument.</span></em></p>2024-12-28T21:17:22+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 BEMJ : Business, Entrepreneurship, and Management Journal INFLUENCE OF ENTREPRENEURIAL CHARACTERISTICS, ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCE, AND BUSINESS LOCATION ON BUSINESS SUCCESS2025-02-21T14:51:09+07:00Desi Chinsia Alfattamaalfattama@gmail.comAngel Zeiromardalina<p><em>This research is motivated by the importance of entrepreneurship in overcoming Indonesia's high unemployment rate. Success in building a successful economy also depends heavily on the characteristics and competencies of each entrepreneur. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an influence between entrepreneurial characteristics, entrepreneurial competencies, and business location on business success in the Marble Craft Industry of Gamping Village, Campurdarat District, Tulungagung Regency, both partially and simultaneously. The research method used is Quantitative with the type of Explanatory Research. The sampling technique uses Probability Sampling with a sample size of 75 Marble Craft Industry entrepreneurs, and data processing uses the SPSS version 27 program. The study results indicate that partially entrepreneurial characteristics and competencies have a significant positive effect. In contrast, business location significantly negatively affects business success in the Marble Craft Industry of Gamping Village, Campurdarat District, Tulungagung Regency. Simultaneously, entrepreneurial characteristics, entrepreneurial competencies, and business location have a significant effect together (simultaneously) on business success in the Marble Craft Industry of Camping Village, Campurdarat District, Tulungagung Regency.</em></p>2024-12-28T21:20:55+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 BEMJ : Business, Entrepreneurship, and Management Journal EFFECT OF RESPONSIBILITY, DISCIPLINE, PERFORMANCE, AND EMPLOYEE POLICY ON PARTICIPANT SERVICE SATISFACTION2025-02-21T14:50:50+07:00Sawal Sartonosawal.sartono@gmail.comMokhamad Hadi Rosyid<p><em>With the rapid development of health services businesses, more and more public and private hospitals are offering health services. One form of service is providing drugs recommended by doctors. The existence of drug supplies in a hospital is very important because it is the main component in building a quality hospital. The problem formulation is: "How Big is the Influence of Responsibility, Discipline, Performance, and Politeness of Old Age Security Program Employees on Participant Service Satisfaction at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Tulungagung Branch Office"? This study aims to determine simultaneously and partially the Influence of the variables of Responsibility, Discipline, Performance, and Politeness of Old Age Security Program Employees on Participant Service Satisfaction at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Tulungagung Branch Office. The research method used is quantitative. The subjects of this study were Participants in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan KCP Tulungagung. Data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation methods. The types of data used are primary and secondary. The results of this study are as follows: There is an influence of responsibility on service satisfaction; There is a positive and significant influence between discipline and service satisfaction. There is a positive and significant influence between performance and service satisfaction. There is a positive and significant influence between politeness and service satisfaction. Responsibility, discipline, performance, and politeness influence service satisfaction.</em></p>2024-12-28T21:23:25+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 BEMJ : Business, Entrepreneurship, and Management Journal INFLUENCE OF CONTENT MARKETING AND INFLUENCER MARKETING ON PURCHASE Subagyobondansun@gmail.comRosa Aprilia Ika<p><em>The increasing number of TikTok application users makes an extraordinary difference. Starting from the realm of short entertainment videos, TikTok is expanding into the realm of e-commerce (TikTok Shop). Not a few TikTok users make purchasing decisions through TikTok Shop. Marketing techniques, including content and influencer marketing, influence purchasing decisions at TikTok Shop. This study aims to determine the partial or simultaneous influence of Content and Influencer Marketing variables on purchasing decisions at TikTok Shop.</em> <em>The research method used is quantitative, using p, primary data in questionnaires by dist.uThennaires to 84 were distributed to students of the Faculty of Economics, Tulungagung University. The calculation uses the SPSS 16 program. The study results indicate that content and influencer marketing variables positively and significantly affect the purchasing decisions of students who use TikTok Shop, Faculty of Economics, Tulungagung University. Simultaneously, the content marketing and influencer marketing variables positively and significantly affect the purchasing decisions of students who use TikTok Shop, Faculty of Economics, Tulungagung University.</em></p>2024-12-28T21:25:06+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 BEMJ : Business, Entrepreneurship, and Management Journal INFLUENCE OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT, WORK MOTIVATION, AND COMPETENCE ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE2025-02-21T14:50:12+07:00Eko Dewi<p><em>This study analyzes the influence of career development, work motivation, and competence on employee performance on CVs. Dimas Tulungagung and to determine the variables that have a dominant influence on employee performance at CV. Dimas Tulungagung. The usefulness of this study is that it can be used as a suggestion for CV. Dimas Tulungagung to determine the phase related to Human Resources. This is expected to contribute to decision-making related to Human Resources. This research is explanatory; the number of samples in this study is 70 employees</em><em>. </em><em>The regression analysis results show that career development, work motivation, and competence simultaneously significantly affect employee performance at CV. Dimas Tulungagung and the study's results show that competence dominates employee performance at CV. Dimas Tulungagung</em><em>.</em></p>2024-12-28T21:27:44+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 BEMJ : Business, Entrepreneurship, and Management Journal