Publiciana <p>Nama Jurnal:&nbsp;<a href="">Publiciana</a><br>Frekwensi terbitan&nbsp;<strong>6 Bulanan</strong><br>DOI prefix&nbsp;<strong>10.36563</strong><br>Print ISSN&nbsp;<strong><a href="">1979-0295</a></strong><br>Online ISSN&nbsp;<strong><a href="">2502-7336</a></strong><br>Editor-in-chief&nbsp;<strong>Angkasawati</strong><br>Penerbit&nbsp;<strong>Universitas Tulungagung</strong><br>Pengelola<strong>&nbsp;Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tulungagung</strong></p> Universitas Tulungagung en-US Publiciana 1979-0295 <p>1. Hak cipta atas artikel apa pun dipegang oleh penulisnya.<br>2. Penulis memberikan jurnal, hak publikasi pertama dengan karya yang dilisensikan secara bersamaan di bawah Lisensi Atribusi Creative Commons yang memungkinkan orang lain untuk membagikan karya dengan pengakuan atas kepenulisan dan publikasi awal karya tersebut dalam jurnal ini.<br>3. Penulis dapat membuat pengaturan kontrak tambahan yang terpisah untuk distribusi non-eksklusif dari versi jurnal yang diterbitkan dari karya tersebut (misalnya, mempostingnya ke repositori institusional atau menerbitkannya dalam sebuah buku), dengan pengakuan dari publikasi awalnya di jurnal ini.<br>4. Penulis diizinkan dan didorong untuk memposting karya mereka secara online (misalnya, di repositori institusional atau di situs web mereka) sebelum dan selama proses pengiriman, karena hal itu dapat mengarah pada pertukaran yang produktif, serta kutipan yang lebih awal dan lebih besar dari karya yang diterbitkan.<br>5. Artikel dan materi terkait yang diterbitkan didistribusikan di bawah Lisensi Internasional Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0</p> Identifikasi Potensi Wisata Susur Sungai Kalimas Kota Surabaya <p><em>Surabaya is one of the largest cities in Indonesia, with a long history that can be developed into a tourist attraction. One of them is along the Kalimas River in Surabaya. Follow the Kalimas River in Surabaya, passing historical locations in Surabaya such as the submarine monument (MONKASEL) and passing several educational spots such as the Education Museum and Achievement Park. These things show that there is still potential for improvement in aspects of accessibility and comfort for tourists. The aim of this research is to identify the potential of the Kalimas River Basin as a tourist attraction. This is done by evaluating five main aspects of tourism development, namely attractions, accessibility, amenities, accommodation and activities. In addition, this research will analyze the factors that support or hinder tourism development in the area. The research methodology applies qualitative descriptive techniques. Strategies for collecting data include the use of observation, interviews and documentation methods. Research findings show that the potential for the Kalimas River Tour as a tourism attraction appears to be large, especially with the integration of historical, cultural and culinary attractions. Improved facilities, accommodations and accessibility can further enhance the visitor experience and have a positive impact on the local economy. With good planning and responsiveness to visitor feedback, tourism along the Kalimas River can continue to develop and become a popular destination in Surabaya. not yet fully maximized, several components in tourism development still need to be improved</em></p> Fierda Nurany Tira Fitriawardhani Copyright (c) 2024 Fierda Nurany, Tira Fitriawardhani 2024-03-05 2024-03-05 17 01 01 11 10.36563/publiciana.v17i01.943 Pengembangan Desa Wisata Berbasis Agropolitan <p>The development of agropolitan-based tourism villages emerged as an innovation that responds to problems related to social and economic challenges in rural communities. This dynamic involves a number of factors, including increasing awareness of the importance of environmental preservation and sustainability. Villages that are largely dependent on agriculture often face economic constraints, especially with limited economic diversification in the region. As a solution, the agropolitan-based tourism village concept integrates tourism and the agribusiness sector to stimulate local economic growth. The purpose of this study was to determine the development of agropolitan-based tourism villages in Wonosalam and the factors that hinder the development of agropolitan villages. This research method uses qualitative methods with SWOT analysis. The results of this study show that the importance of rural economic development through the agribusiness sector is a key element in agropolitan area policy. Support from the government and relevant institutions is an important factor to ensure the successful implementation of this policy, both in the form of financial assistance and policies that support the growth of the agribusiness sector. The success of agropolitan-based tourism villages in Wonosalam is not only related to economic growth, but also to the preservation of local culture and traditions. The success of agropolitan villages in Wonosalam involves optimizing internal strengths and mitigating weaknesses, by overcoming dependence on the agricultural sector through economic diversification. Dependence on government support needs to be balanced with strengthening local capacity so that agropolitan villages are more independent</p> Heru Irianto Fierda Nurany Copyright (c) 2024 Fierda Nurany, Heru Irianto 2024-03-05 2024-03-05 17 01 11 22 10.36563/publiciana.v17i01.970 POLA KOMUNIKASI SINGLE PARENT DALAM MEMBENTUK KARAKTER ANAK <p><em>This research is motivated by the phenomenon of high divorce rates in the city of Surabaya in 2023 reaching 2,805 cases which have an impact on the number of single parents of divorce, both lawsuit and talaq divorces. This figure is 10% higher than in 2022. To respond to this, researchers conducted a single parent communication study that aimed to shape the character of children. The purpose to be achieved in this study is to examine the communication patterns of single parents in shaping the character of children. This study used qualitative methods and was conducted on Surabaya residents with a sample of 10 single parents. This study observed family communication patterns that describe the relationship between parents and children in two ways: setting orientation and conversation orientation. The results showed that the form of conversation orientation is more widely used so that children can express all their feelings openly to these remaining parents. Authoritarian communication is strongly avoided and emphasizes democratic communication with children</em></p> Tira Fitriawardhani Fierda Nurany Copyright (c) 2024 Tira Fitriawardhani, Fierda Nurany 2024-03-06 2024-03-06 17 01 23 32 10.36563/publiciana.v17i01.971 Analisis Swot Implementasi Online Single Submission (Oss) Dalam Optimalisasi Investasi Di Kabupaten Tulungagung <p>Dalam meningkatkan performa ekonomi digital, Online Single Submission (OSS) merupakan salah satu wujud dari reformasi ekonomi digital yang diciptakan pemerintah Indonesia. Penerapan OSS juga merupakan salah satu cara pemerintah dalam mewujudkan optimalisasi&nbsp; investasi di Indonesia dengan cara penyederhanaan birokrasi administrasi untuk memberikan pelayanan publik yang berkualitas dan optimal. Dalam mewujudkan implementasiannya dalam masyarakat, pemerintah Indonesia memberikan komitmen agar pelayanan OSS ini bisa dilakukan dengan mudah, cepat dan tepat. Melihat Fenomena tersebut, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui implementasi Online Single Submission dalam mewujudkan optimalisasi Investasi di DPMPTSP Kabupaten Tulungagung dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan metode analisis Swot bertujuan untuk menganalisis kekuatan (Strengths), kelemahan (Weaknesses), peluang (Opportunities), dan ancaman (Threats) dari implementasi Sistem Online Single Submission (OSS) dalam upaya optimalisasi investasi di Kabupaten Tulungagung. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini memeriksa persepsi dan pengalaman pemangku kepentingan serta faktor-faktor kunci yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan atau kegagalan penerapan OSS.</p> Lisa Ariesta Nur Hanif Hanif Copyright (c) 2024 Lisa Ariesta Nur Hanif Hanif 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 17 01 33 43 10.36563/publiciana.v17i01.931 Marketing Language Literacy Through Strengthening Blue Economy Based Tourism Villages in Kalanganyar <p>Masyarakat pesisir di kabupate Kalanganyar perlu diberikan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap literasi bahasa pemasaran produk, karena pelaku usaha ini diharapkan dapat menerapkan proses penjualan secara langsung maupun online dengan teknik yang benar sesuai dengan perkembangan terkini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Hasil temuan diketahui bahwa Masyarakat belum memahami konsep Blue Economy dalam mewujudkan potensi sumber daya alam di Kalanganyar yang bersih dan indah untuk menarik minta pembeli maupun turis dari mancanegara. Adapun pelaku usaha memiliki kekurangan dalam ketrampilan berkomunikasi untuk memasarkan produk sehingga membutuhkan pemahaman literasi pemasaran, dan kurangnya keahlian dalam memasarkan produk secara online. Selain itu, perwujudan lokasi wisata di desa Kalanganyar masih membutuhkan kesadaran Masyarakat untuk memelihara kebersihan lingkungan tambak, mangrove, dan perairan sekitarnya. Rekomendasi diperlukan adanya Kerjasama antara stakeholders pihak swasta dan pemerintah untuk mendukung terwujudnya desa wisata Kalanganyar yang berpotensi menjadi tujuan wisata Internasinal dari sumber alam perikanan, produk olahan, serta tempat wisata air lainnya.</p> elli wahyuni Copyright (c) 2024 elli wahyuni 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 17 01 44 53 10.36563/publiciana.v17i01.941 Perkembangan Pendidikan Anak Buruh Migran di Kecamatan Kalidawir Kabupaten Tulungagung <p>Anak merupakan aset negara, mereka memiliki karakteristik yang sangat istimewa. Dalam tumbuh kembangnya anak memerlukan perlakukan yang tidak cukup dengan pangasuhan namun juga perhatian khusus dari orang tua. Tumbuh kembang pada usia golden age memiliki arti penting bagi pertumbuhan mereka dan mampu memberikan penciptaan karakter pada diri seorang anak. Pada riset ini, periset mengambil studi di Kecamatan Kalidawir Kabupaten Tulungagung dengan estimasi sebab wilayah itu ialah wilayah dengan jumlah pekerja migran lumayan banyak di Kabupaten Tulungagung. Metode yang dipakai dalam periset ini yakni metode riset Deskriptif, informan dalam penelitian ini adalah anak anak, orang tua, keluarga pengganti, pemerintah setempat. Hasil dari penelitian diperoleh faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan menurunnya perkembangan pendidikan anak buruh migran, adapun faktor tersebut diantaranya adalah kurangnya perhatian dari orang tua inti, pengaruh perkembangan sosial media, pengaruh lingkungan keluarga dan pertemanan baik di rumah maupun di sekolah. Terdapat perbedaan perkembangan pada anak buruh muigran dibandingkan dengan anak yang berada dibawah asuhan orang tua inti secara utuh. Pola asuh yang dirasa sangat minim didapatkan dari orang tua sehingga memberikan pengaruh negatif bagi perkembangan anak dalam pendidikannya.</p> Suci Ari Kusumawati Sulastri Rini Rindrayani Copyright (c) 2024 Suci Ari Kusumawati, Sulastri Rini Rindrayani 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 17 01 54 61 10.36563/publiciana.v17i01.988 Article Survey Kepuasan Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat Di Kota Malang <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Health is a fundamental right and needs that humans need to live their lives. As social creatures, humans cannot live alone to guarantee that their right to health can be fulfilled, therefore, in the modern world of life, the state plays a role in providing access to health for the entire community. In Malang City, to be precise, the Dinoyo Community Health Center (Puskesmas) is a model community health center that is quite good at implementing preventive health access to the community by prioritizing the program (PTSSIBE), namely professionalism, responsibility, quality awareness, time awareness, initiative, cleanliness, empathy. The cultural innovation of health services with this program certainly provides high standards for the community, so the Dinoyo Malang Community Health Center is trusted to open Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) clinic services. From the health service program and achievements obtained by the Dinoyo Malang Community Health Center, a community satisfaction survey can be described using indicators of requirements, procedures, service time, costs/tariffs, service results, implementer competence, implementer behavior, service announcements, complaints about handling critical suggestions. The community satisfaction survey aims to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the health service innovation program (PTSSIBE) at the Dinoyo Community Health Center, Malang City. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method with four alternative measurement scales for community responses, namely: strongly agree (SS: score 4), agree (S: score 3), disagree (ts: score 2), and strongly disagree (sts: score 1 ). The results of the research show that out of 100 respondents (the public) gave an assessment of satisfaction with health services at the Dinoyo Malang Community Health Center as follows: the competence and professionalism of the implementers received the best assessment from the community with a score of 3.00, the behavior of the implementers received a score of 2.93 and service announcements with a score of 2.92. The health service survey results with the lowest scores were complaints, criticism, and suggestions with a score of 2.60, service time with a score: 2.74, and service costs with a score of 2.76. It can be concluded that according to the results of the public health service satisfaction survey at the Dinoyo Community Health Center, Malang City, it is necessary to carry out a program evaluation (PTSSIE) to improve the quality of health services.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords: Satisfaction Survey, Health Services, Malang City.</strong></p> Nanda Erlambang Rizki Fillya Curtinawati Rizki Fillya Curtinawati Copyright (c) 2024 Nanda Erlambang; Rizki Fillya Curtinawati Rizki Fillya Curtinawati 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 17 01 62 76 10.36563/publiciana.v17i01.983