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The success of village government leaders in influencing their village apparatus, one of
which can be determined by the leadership style used. The more the leadership style used
is favored by subordinates, the easier it is for leaders to influence and mobilize
subordinates. So that leaders can move their subordinates to achieve predetermined
organizational goals. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of autocratic,
democratic and leissez faire leadership styles on improving the performance of village
officials in the Boyolangu District Area both simultaneously and partially. The results
showed that simultaneously (simultaneously) the autocratic, democratic, and laissez faire
leadership style variables had a positive and significant effect on improving the
performance of village officials in Boyolangu District, Tulungagung. This is evidenced
by the value of Fcount (361.619) greater than Ftable (2.38) or Fsig (0.000) < α (0.05).
Autocratic leadership style has a positive and significant effect on improving the
performance of village officials in Boyolangu District, Tulungagung. This is evidenced
by the value of tcount (3.818) greater than ttable (2.72) or tsig (0.000) less than α (0.05).
Democratic leadership style has a positive and significant effect on improving the
performance of village officials in Boyolangu District, Tulungagung. This is evidenced
by the tcount value (6.486) is greater than the ttable (2.72) or tsig (0.000) is smaller than
α (0.05). The laissez faire leadership style has a positive and significant effect on
improving the performance of village officials in Boyolangu District, Tulungagung. This
is evidenced by the value of tcount (3.332) greater than ttable (2.72) or tsig (0.001)
smaller than α (0.05). Democratic leadership style has the most dominant influence
compared to other independent variables. This is evidenced by the amount of Partial R
for the democratic leadership style variable has the greatest value compared to other
variables (autocratic leadership style = 0.389, democratic = 0.582, and laissez faire =


Autocratic Democratic Laissez Faire Leadership Styles Performance

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How to Cite
Lona Chinsia Alfattama, & Andiko Sri Kuncoro. (2023). ANALISIS PENGARUH GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN OTOKRATIS, DEMOKRATIK DAN LAISSEZ FAIRE TERHADAP PENINGKATAN KINERJA PERANGKAT DESA. BEMJ : Business, Entrepreneurship, and Management Journal, 2(1), 1-14.


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