Penerapan Program Hansa Renkei Auto2000 Cabang Tulungagung

  • Krisan Sisdiyantoro Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tulungagung
  • Bayu Setya B. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tulungagung
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Penerapan program Hansa Renkei sebagai harapan pelanggan pada Auto2000 Cabang Tulungagung perlu dianalisis demi pengembangan untuk selanjutnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan program hansa renkei terhadap peningkatan jumlah unit servis dan perbedaan antara peningkatan jumlah unit servis sebelum dan sesudah penerapan program hansa renkei. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan kombinasi, yakni kausal dan komparatif  dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 50 responden dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, sedangkan analisis pembahasan menggunakan regresi sederhana dan uji beda (t-test). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa: (1) Penerapan program hansa renkei berpengaruh positif terhadap peningkatan jumlah unit servis, ditunjukkan nilai t-hitung > t-tabel dengan sig. 0,000 < 0,05. Kontribusi penerapan program hansa renkei terhadap peningkatan jumlah unit servis sebesar 46,30%. (2) Rata-rata jumlah unit servis per bulan sebelum penerapan program hansa renkei (X) sebesar 530,42 unit, dan sesudah penerapan (Y) sebesar 691,58 unit. Peningkatan jumlah unit servis sesudah penerapan program hansa renkei rata-rata sebesar 161,16 unit. Paired Sampel Corelation menunjukkan hasil korelasi antara dua sampel (data jumlah unit servis per bulan sebelum dan sesudah penerapan), yaitu sebesar 0,598 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,040 < 0,05. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa korelasi antara jumlah unit servis per bulan sebelum penerapan program hansa renkei dan sesudah penerapan adalah erat. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan t-tabel < t- hitung, berarti jumlah unit servis sebelum dan sesudah penerapan program adalah tidak identik atau berbeda nyata. Dengan demikian penerapan program hansa renkei cukup efektif digunakan untuk meningkatkan jumlah unit servis pada Auto2000 Tulungagung.

Kata kunci: Unit servis, penerapan Hansa Renkei, regresi, Uji Beda.


The application of the Hansa Renkei program as customer expectations in Auto2000 Cabang Tulungagung needs to be analyzed for further development. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the implementation of the hansa renkei program on the increase in the number of service units and the difference between the increase in the number of service units before and after the implementation of the hansa renkei program. The research design used a combination, namely causal and comparative with a quantitative approach. The sample used was 50 respondents and data collection techniques used questionnaires, interviews, and documentation, while the discussion analysis used simple regression and different test (t-test). The results showed that: (1) The implementation of the hansa renkei program had a positive effect on the increase in the number of service units, seen from the value of t-count> t-table with sig. 0.000 <0.05. The contribution of the implementation of the hansa renkei program to the increase in the number of service units was 46.30%. (2) The average number of service units per month before the implementation of the hansa renkei program (X) was 530.42 units, and after implementation (Y) was 691.58 units. The increase in the number of service units after the implementation of the hansa renkei program was an average of 161.16 units. Paired Sample Correlation shows the results of the correlation between the two samples (data on the number of service units per month before and after implementation), which is 0.598 with a significance value of 0.040 <0.05. These results indicate that the correlation between the number of service units per month before the implementation of the Hansa Renkei program and after implementation is strong. Hypothesis test results show t-table <t-count, meaning that the number of service units before and after the implementation of the program is not identical or significantly different. Thus, the implementation of the hansa renkei program is quite effective in increasing the number of service units in  Auto2000 Cabang Tulungagung.

Keywords: service unit, application of hansa renkei, regression, difference test.

How to Cite
Krisan Sisdiyantoro, & Bayu Setya B. (2020). Penerapan Program Hansa Renkei Auto2000 Cabang Tulungagung. BENEFIT , 7(2), 131-144. Retrieved from